they were warned off twice, but still came back 意味

  • 近寄らないように 2 度も警告されたのにまた戻ってきた.


        go back the way one came:    回れ右をする
        go back to where one came from:    来た所へ戻る
        came:     came n. [kéim] 【動】 comeの過去形.
        back off:    {句動-1} : 後ろに下がる、後ろへ引く、後退する、引き下がる、引き返す、後ずさりする、退却する、撤収する、降伏する、屈服する、屈する The boy claimed that the toy was his and that he had never taken it from his friend. He immediately backed off when his father sa
        off back to:    《be ~》~の元に帰る
        when the scars of defeat in the war were still glaringly obvious:    敗戦{はいせん}の傷跡{きずあと}がまだ生々しかった頃
        back when one's parents were teens:    両親{りょうしん}が10代の若者{わかもの}だった頃は
        at twice:     at twíce ((略式)) (1) ?=in TWICE . (2) 2度目に.
        in twice:     in twíce 2 度に分けて.
        twice:    twice 又と またと 二回 にかい 再度 さいど 倍 ばい 二倍 にばい
        twice as:    2倍~な Raising twins was twice as rough, but it was also twice as enjoyable. 双子{ふたご}を育てるのは2倍大変{ばい たいへん}だったが楽しさも2倍だった。
        warned of the risks of:    《be ~》~の危険性{きけん せい}を通告{つうこく}される
        as it were:    as it were 恰も あたかも 謂わば いわば
        if it were not for:    (現在の事実に反対の仮定を表して)もし~がなかったら If it were not for her children, I would ask her to marry me. 彼女に子どもがいなかったら、私は彼女に結婚を申し込むだろう。 The man may have been killed if it were not for the police intervention. 警察の介入
        were:     WERE {略} : where どこ◆インターネット


  1. "they were very incensed at the statement published yesterday" 意味
  2. "they were victims of lusts they couldn't control" 意味
  3. "they were waiting in line for tickets" 意味
  4. "they were warm in their praise of…" 意味
  5. "they were warmly cheered" 意味
  6. "they were wartime allies" 意味
  7. "they were wary of embarking on such an ambitious project" 意味
  8. "they were wearing firefighter's gear" 意味
  9. "they were wed at church" 意味
  10. "they were warm in their praise of…" 意味
  11. "they were warmly cheered" 意味
  12. "they were wartime allies" 意味
  13. "they were wary of embarking on such an ambitious project" 意味

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